Saturday, 26 June 2010

Warhammer Scratch Built Scenery Modeling - inspired, simple and free !

Free Warhammer Fantasy Battle buildings ! Just add time and imagination.

I stumbled across this during my regular Saturday morning surf. What a great idea, all gamers will have the raw materials to hand so all you need is a bit of planning, free time and your imagination. The pictures are of small half built hut or maybe a workman or armourer's tool shed or even a small shop. It doesn't really matter, it makes an excellent addition to a small village or outpost under attack my marauding goblin wolf riders !

"I hope you all like it. All I used was cardboard, Super glue, wood glue, dirt and Sprues." by EmpireGuard from The Battle Bunker forum (

Inspiring !

1 comment:

  1. Wow that’s mine I always feel honoured

    There are some newer pic’s here for those who are interceded. I just added a few tools to make it look more like a construction site.
